Botanical name
Viscum capenseFamily
ViscaceaeCommon Name
Cape Mistletoe, VoƫlentDescription
Dioecious stem parasite up to 50cm. Leaves very reduced, scale-like. Inconspicuous flowers yellow and unisexual. Translucent berries are white.
Parasitic on various shrubs including Searsia, Euclea, Maytenus and Pterocelastrus.
Latin: viscum = mistletoe and birdlime (bird-lime made from mistletoe berries).
The common name Voelent is derived from the fact that birds eat the berries and the sticky seeds adhere to the bird's beak and are rubbed off against the branch of the same or another plant so that the bird (Afrik: voel) may be said to innoculate (Afrik: ent) the potential host.
Coastal and lower slopes
Flower Date
July to October