The Hermanus Botanical Society was formed in 1960 and has its headquarters at the Botanical Centre in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve.

The Society has a mandate to protect the flora and fauna of the Reserve and is heavily involved in educating people in the need for conservation.

The Society has been involved in numerous projects over the years, including the laying of the 12 km Cliff Path, the building of the Botanical and Visitors’ Centre in the Reserve and the establishment of the Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery. The Visitors’ Centre, managed by members, houses a fresh display of specimens, renewed weekly. It is a hub of information for hikers and botanical ramblers. The Hermanus Herbarium, which has international status, was established by the Society in 1983, and houses over 4000 pressed specimens.

The Society is a very dynamic one and offers its members involvement in numerous activities

  1. Knowledge of our amazing fynbos heritage
  2. Organised walks in the Fernkloof area.
  3. Monthly talks on botanical matters by the experts.
  4. Day walks and longer botanical excursions to coastal and mountain places of interest, often to areas not open to the general public.
  5. Expert teaching on fynbos identification during botanising rambles.
  6. Offer your services in the plant garden.
  7. Access to an internationally recognised Herbarium.
  8. Access to an extensive botanical and natural history library.
  9. Annual spring flower festival with all the fun of the fair. See 100s of different plants in flower. Join in as a volunteer.
  10. Indigenous plant nursery where helpers and buyers both welcome.      --Members get 10% discount.
  11. Meet other people enthusiastic about fynbos
  12. Hacking meets. Do your bit to combat alien invading plants.
  13. Social gatherings, braais, picnic and soup and sherry evenings to enjoy.


Application forms can be obtained from the Fernkloof Nursery
-or contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Fernkloof Hall
  • Galpin Overnight Hut (on top of Galpinkop 596m)

For more information/bookings:

Contact Peter Coxall: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +27 (0)82 5703403


Contact: +27 (0)28 3122985 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • The visitors' centre at the top of the tarred road is a hub of information for hikers and botanical ramblers.
  • Brochures are available and maps show the hiking trails.
  • A display of flower specimens, renewed weekly, show what is blooming.
  • Comments in the visitors' book and donations are welcome.