Fernkloof Donations

The Hermanus Botanical Society has a long history of supporting the conservation of Fernkloof, our natural plant heritage, and engaging our members and the broader public in the work that we do.

The Hermanus Botanical Society has its headquarters in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve and has a mandate to protect the flora and fauna of the Reserve. The Reserve comprises only 0.002% of the Cape Floral Kingdom but it contains 18% of its plants in just 18 sq. kilometres.

    • The Society is actively involved in many projects:
    • Maintenance and development of the Fernkloof Gardens
    • Maintenance of hiking paths in the Reserve
    • Maintenance of the Botanical Society Research Centre
    • Clearing invasive alien vegetation in the Reserve
    • Refurbishing of the Visitors’ Centre
    • Providing an alternative power supply to the Fernkloof Hall
    • Annual Wildflower Festival
    • Your donation will be most welcome and will go towards the funding of one of the above projects.
    • If you would like your donation to go towards a particular project, please specify one of the above to the Botanical Society's E-mail address below.

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Bank details

Hermanus Botanical Society
First National Bank
Acc 52472034711
Code 250655

or send an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Snap Code fernkloof

PayFast Donation

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