Botanical name

Oxalis versicolor



Common Name

Candycane Sorrel
Oxalis versicolor var. versicolor
Oxalis versicolor var. versicolor
Oxalis versicolor var. versicolor
Oxalis versicolor var. versicolor
Oxalis versicolor var. versicolor
Oxalis versicolor var. versicolor


Geophyte up to 20cm with a partly leafy stem, sometimes branching. Leaves mostly terminal and divided into three narrowish, folded leaflets, with marginal calli (wart-like outgrowths). Bears white flowers with a yellow tube and reddish-purple margins on the underside of the petals. Flowers usually only open in the sunlight.

In the mature fruit the soft outer layer of the seed coat separates elastically from the hard inner layer and shoots out the seed.

Greek: oxys = acid, als = salt; referring to the oxalic acid content of this genus.


Flats and slopes in south-western Cape, 50-250m

Flower Date

May to November