Botanical name
Olea exasperata SA Tree no: 619Family
OleaceaeCommon Name
Basterolienhout, Dune OliveDescription
Bushy or straggling shrub or small rounded tree 1 to 7m in height. Bark greyish-brown; young branchlets conspicuously rough with raised corky spots. Leaves linear-oblong, thinly leathery, may be minutely pitted, apex tapering to rounded, ultimately with a finely pointed tip; base narrowly tapering, margin entire, tending to curve under; leaf stalk 4-7mm long. Flowers small, white, in short many-flowered terminal heads.
Fruit ovoid, thinly fleshy, up to 10 x 8mm, yellowish-purple when mature.
Sand dunes in coastal bush, also on hillsides in open grassland
Flower Date
August to October