Botanical name

Mairia crenata



Common Name

Fire Daisy
Mairia crenata
Mairia crenata
Mairia crenata
Mairia crenata
Mairia crenata


Tufted perennial up to 15cm. Leaves in a basal rosette, obovate, leathery, margins revolute, regularly crenate-toothed, silky beneath; flowerheads radiate, solitary, yellow centre of florets with pink  or white rays.

The similar Mairia coriacea has leaf margins that are smooth or broadly toothed; Mairia crenata has leaf margins that are regularly toothed and is found at higher altitudes than Mairia coriacea.

Latin: crena, rounded tooth: referring to the rounded teeth on leaf margins.


Rocky sandstone slopes and outcrops

Flower Date

September to March, mainly after fire.