was formed in 1960 and has its headquarters at the Botanical Centre in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. MORE

fernkloof natire reserve small


covers 1800 ha in the Kleinrivier Mountains above Hermanus and ranges in altitude from sea level to 824 m. MORE

Visirors INFORMATION fernkloof


Fernkloof Nature Reserve lies 3 km east of the town centre of Hermanus. Entry is free. Maps and brochures are available MORE

Activities fernkloof hermanus


Walk; Run; Cycle on Yellow route; Birdwatch; Photograph; Picnic; Discover fantastic flowers; Enjoy great views; MORE

Fernkloof Nature Reserve covers 18 square kilometres in the Kleinrivier Mountains in Hermanus and ranges in altitude from sea level to 824m.

The name of the principal vegetation type of this region, fynbos, is derived from the Dutch word 'fijn bosch' which is the collective name for a myriad of evergreen shrub-like plants with small firm leaves, often rolled - but also includes woody plants with hard leathery leaves, usually broad, often rolled.
The prevailing climate is Mediterranean with cold wet winters and hot dry summers with strong south easterly winds.

The Fernkloof Nature Reserve comprises 0.002% of the Cape Floral Kingdom but contains 18% of its plants in just 18 square kilometres. There is no other place on earth where so many different species can be seen growing in such close proximity.

More than 1250 species of plant have thus far been collected and identified in the Reserve.

The Reserve lies across almost the entire northern side of the town with a 60 km network of trails.
These provide the opportunity for people of all fitness levels to enjoy some exercise and fresh air.

A display of some of the flowers that can be found in the veld at any specific time is permanently maintained at the Fernkloof Visitors’ Centre.

Grey rhebok, Cape grysbok, klipspringer, baboon, mongoose and dassie are present in small numbers. Others such as porcupine, genet and hare and the occasional Cape Mountain leopard are nocturnal and these mammals are seldom seen.


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 Maintaining Fernkloof Hiking Trails appeal for assistance 003

Spiders of Fernkloof book Cover front MM 3 4 5 

 Spiders of Fernkloof Nature Reserve

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       Fernkloof Nature Reserve

Purchase your copies of these books, published by the Hermanus Botanical Society, from the Fernkloof Nuresry or from the Hermanus bookshops -The Book Cottage or The Bookmark


Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery

Visit the Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery