Botanical name

Pleopeltis macrocarpa


Pleopeltis macrocarpa
Pleopeltis macrocarpa
Pleopeltis macrocarpa
Pleopeltis macrocarpa
Pleopeltis macrocarpa
Pleopeltis macrocarpa


Mostly epiphytic fern with a thin creeping rhizome. Fronds are spaced 5-25mm apart; lamina are evergreen, narrowly elliptic with a pointed apex and narrowly tapering base; upper surface sub-glabrous, under surface has scattered pale, circular scales with dark centres, margins are entire and slightly wavy; sori are on the apical third to half of the lamina, circular and up to 5mm across, arranged in two rows.

Latin: macrocarpa = bearing large fruit; referring to the large, round sori of this species.


Growing on forest trees in semi-shaded situations, in wetter habitats can be found growing on rocks