Botanical name

Tritoniopsis antholyza



Common Name

Tritoniopsis antholyza
Tritoniopsis antholyza
Tritoniopsis antholyza
Tritoniopsis antholyza
Tritoniopsis antholyza
Tritoniopsis antholyza


Erect, unbranched, cormous geophyte up to 90cm. Leaves lanceolate to linear, 3-6 veined and usually dry at flowering. Flowers in dense, more or less two-ranked spike arranged spirally, tubular, salmon-pink to red; flower tube 25-30mm long, tepals unequal, dorsal largest, lower tepals often with dark streaks; bracts green or becoming dry.

Pollinated by long-proboscid fly, Table Mountain Beauty butterfly and possibly sunbirds.

Common name Karkarblom is onomatopoeic and refers to the sound produced by the rubbing together of the dry leaves.


Sandstone slopes

Flower Date

November to April