Botanical name

Moraea lewisiae



Common Name

Moraea lewisiae
Moraea lewisiae
Moraea lewisiae
Moraea lewisiae
Moraea lewisiae
Moraea lewisiae


Cormous geophyte 80cm. Stem with sessile (not stalked) lateral flower clusters. Leaves 2 or 3, sometimes single, linear, channelled and trailing above or flat and somewhat twisted. Flowers deep yellow speckled with black in the centre, fragrant, enclosed by green attenuate spathes.

Flowers open in afternoon and close at dusk.

After: Dr Gwendoline Joyce Lewis (1909-1967), South African botanist and illustrator, an authority on Iridaceae, assistant at the Bolus Herbarium; her personal collection exceeded 8000 specimens.


Dry sandstone and clay slopes

Flower Date

October to December