Botanical name

Liparia splendens subsp. comantha



Common Name

Mountain Dahlia, Bergdahlia, Geelkoppie
Liparia splendens subsp. comantha
Liparia splendens subsp. comantha
Liparia splendens subsp. comantha
Liparia splendens subsp. comantha
Liparia splendens subsp. comantha
Liparia splendens subsp. comantha


Coarse, stiff, spreading shrub up to 2m tall. Leaves oval, glossy and hairless up to 40mm long; striking orange flowers are densly clustered into flowerheads that nod downwards at the ends of branches.

Greek: liparos, oil, shiny: referring to the glossy leaves. Latin: splendens, shining, brilliant: referring to the beautiful flowers.


Rocky mountain slopes

Flower Date

May to January