Botanical name
Centella asiaticaFamily
ApiaceaeCommon Name
Pennywort, Varkoortjies, WaternaelDescription
Slender prostrate perennial, spreading with stolons and rooting at the nodes. Leaves kidney-shaped to rounded, sparsely hairy to smooth, crenate (rounded teeth along the margins. Small flowers in an umbel, usually 3 per umbel, reddish.
Fruit obovate, longer than bracts, wrinkled.
Greek: asia = Asia, -aticus = indicates place of growth: Centella asiatica has a wide distribution in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere.
The common name Varkoortjies is derived from the shape of the leaves which suggest the small ears of a piglet (Afrik: vark = pig; oortjies = small ears). Common name Waternael is derived from the fruits said to have been a substitute for cloves (Afrik: naeltjies = cloves).
Plants are said to have been used in the treatment of leprosy.
Marshy or damp places
Flower Date
November to March