Botanical name

Bobartia indica



Common Name

Biesroei, Biesiesriet
Bobartia indica
Bobartia indica
Bobartia indica
Bobartia indica
Bobartia indica
Bobartia indica


Rhizomatous geophyte up to 130cm. Leaves terete, longer than flowering stems and trailing. Flowers bright yellow, enclosed by green spathes, arranged in a dense head of 20-40 flowers.

Flowers more prolifically after fire.

Very similar to Bobartia longicyma; the leaves of B. longicyma are usually shorter than the flowering stems.

After: Jacob Bobart (1599-1680), German botanist and Head Gardener of the Oxford Physic Garden, which was the first such garden in England.


Sandy flats and slopes

Flower Date

October to March