Botanical name

Albuca cooperi



Common Name

Geldbeursie, Blougif
Albuca cooperi
Albuca cooperi
Albuca cooperi
Albuca cooperi


Bulbous perennial up to 60cm. Leaves 2-3, slender, channelled, conspicuously clasping the stem in the lower part and warty towards the base. Bears a raceme of nodding fragrant flowers, yellow with green keels, 15-25mm long, inner petals have a hinged flap at tip; outer stamens sterile.

After: Thomas Cooper (1815-1913), English botanist and plant explorer, collected plants mostly in the Drakensberg Mountains.


Stony, mostly sandstone slopes and flats, sometimes limestone

Flower Date

September to November

Threatened plant Species

CR    Critically Endangered 
EN  Endangered  
VU  Vulnerable
NT   Near Threatened 
R Rare